Nuevos releases: Asterisk 1.2.21 y 1.4.7 y LibPri 1.2.5 y 1.4.1

Me he desayunado con esta noticia, ya tenemos nuevas versiones de Asterisk! En esta ocasión, son releases mayormente de mantenimiento de la seguridad, ya que se han corregido numerosos bugs. A continuación os dejo el anuncio oficial, que incluye links al repositorio SVN de Digium, para consultar el ChangeLog. Podéis descargarlo donde siempre:

The Asterisk development team is proud to announce a new batch of releases. There are new releases of Asterisk and Libpri for both the 1.2 and 1.4 series.

The development team has been working especially hard on fixing bugs in our existing release branches. These releases are regular maintenance releases that include various bug fixes. The ChangeLog in each release tarball contains details on what bugs have been fixed. The contents of the ChangeLog can be viewed through our svn repository viewer.

The releases are available for download from They are available as both tarballs and patches against the previous release.

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