Asterisk 1.2.19 y Asterisk 1.4.5 released!!

Ya tenemos nuevas versiones de Asterisk!! En estas nuevas versiones, se han corregido numerosos bugs y viendo la progresión de la rama 1.4, creo que Asterisk 1.4 esta en su punto y han elegido un buen momento para pasar la rama 1.2 al modo «mantenimiento de seguridad».

The Asterisk development team is proud to release Asterisk versions 1.2.19 and 1.4.5. There has been a very large number of bugs fixed since the last release, including crashes and other critical issues. There were 244 commits to the 1.4 source tree and 74 commits to the 1.2 source tree since the last set of releases. Also, keep in mind that the release branches are only changed to fix problems. In the same time frame, the development tree had 439 commits. There is a ChangeLog available in the tarball of each release with a complete list of changes.

Keep in mind that the date for moving the 1.2 release series to security fix maintenance only will be coming within the next couple of months. We strongly encourage everyone to migrate to Asterisk 1.4. Don’t forget to read the UPGRADE.txt file in 1.4 for important information regarding upgrading from 1.2.

These releases are available for download from They are distributed as both tarballs and patch sets against the previous releases. All release files have been signed with GPG keys from members of the Digium software development team to ensure authenticity. As always, thank you very much for your support!

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